Teaching Writing

Wait… should teachers be writing, too?

Brainstorming in session.

Wait a second…

If  I consider myself an educator, shouldn’t I be focused on my students? Bringing my best self to the classroom every day? How am I supposed to do that if I am sitting around writing instead of grading papers?

The real question is how am I supposed to do any of the above issues if I don’t write?? As educators, yes, we should constantly be investing in making sure our students are being challenged and encouraged to grow, but how am I supposed to authentically preach that if I am not personally investing in my own growth as a writer? I think writing is essential. I can see just from this summer having to take time weekly to sit down, explore my thoughts, and, simply, write how my writing brain (especially creative-wise) has really kicked back on post-finals. Whether or not I have time for extensive, groundbreaking writings or research, I do have time to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard, if that’s your style), and let me brain have a little composition therapy. I am learning that my brain needs this time to get all of the ideas swirling around in my brain, out of my brain, and onward to (maybe) being something productive. I’m known to be a doodler, consistently having a pen in my hand, and it has always been a habit of mine, but I think this is why I favor writing as a similar method of release and rejuvenation. Writing is therapeutic to me, and I think if I did not write and seek to expand my writing horizons, I would be doing my students and injustice by entering my room every day with a cluttered brain, which really won’t help anyone. Also, if I use writing as a way to record my ideas about teaching, I will be more apt to read about my discipline, and continue to be a scholar as I am in the teaching field.

So… my answer is YES, teachers, let’s keep writing, and show our students what the fruits of their labor (and ours) can be!

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